SouthMtn GSPs Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in obtaining a puppy from SouthMitn German Shorthaired Pointers.  Pelase Complete this Questionnaire so that we may get to know you and help you find the right puppy or dog for your Family

Terina & Tony
Please provide the following Contact Information:
Email Address:
Address and Phone Numbers to reach you.
How long have you lived at this address?
Where did you find out about South Mountain GSPs? (Internet, friend, other Breeder, ...)
What research have you done about German Shorthaired Pointers? What interests you about this breed?
Tell us about your Family: Please list Adults and Children Living in your home and ages
What is your occupation?
What is your Spouse's occupation?
Do your jobs allow you to come home mid-day for a new puppy? Yes
Type of Dwelling House
Is the area you live in Rural
If renting, may we please have your Landlord contact info to verify that Animals are permitted in your lease?
Do you have a fenced yard? If yes, please state Type and Height.
Do you have experience with dogs - what breed's have you previously owned? What has happened to them?
List Dogs currently owned. Please specify Breed, Age, and if the dog has been neutered or spayed?
Do you have any other animals? If so, please list
Have you ever owned a GSP before? Yes
Still Do
What are your interests with a German Shorthaired Pointer? Companion
Do you have an interest in breeding? Yes
Do you understand the difference between Limited and Full Registration? Yes
If the puppy you are offered is of Show Quality, would you be interested in showing or Letting us show the puppy? Yes
Will this dog live indoors or outdoors? Please explain
Are you familiar with the dog crate? If Yes, will you be using one? Yes
How many hours a day will the puppy/dog be left alone? Where will he/she stay when unattended?
When you are away from home "working & vacation' what will you do with the dog? (Where will he stay)
Understand that GSPs are very active dogs and require some basic obedience & socialization. Will you sign up for a basic obedience class with your puppy? Yes
What gender do you prefer? Male
No Preference
Your reason for this preference:
Do you have a color or markings preference? If so please explain.
Do you understand that we do not sell breeding stock to the public? Yes
Are you willing to spay or neuter your puppy? (This does not apply to show puppies) Yes
Does Not Apply
If this puppy is being purchased as a "Show Puppy" will you agree to a co-ownership and a signed contract:? Yes
Does Not Apply
Please list at lease two References, One of which Must be a Veterinarian. If you have previously owned a dog:
Any additional information you would like to share with us?

This online form was provided by Freedback.